Choose the right carrier/wrap for you
How do I choose the perfect baby carrier or wrap?
Parents often ask us: Which carrier should I choose? What is the difference between them? Which one will be most comfortable for us? It is hard to give an unambiguous answer. All wraps are good, and what is good for one family may not work for another.
Choosing a wrap you have to consider the following factors:
● how old your baby is,
● how much your baby weighs and on what development stage your baby is,
● do you intend to use your wrap for walks or will it only be quick help at home or as an addition to the pushchair to be hands free,
● what your house budget is.
You have to analyze your needs and capabilities very carefully. Nobody will make that decision for you, but simple analysis of existing wraps and carriers may help.
There are ten basic groups of LennyLamb wraps and soft carriers:
- long, tied woven wraps
- long, tied elastic/stretchy wraps
- Ring slings
- LennyGo ergonomic carrier
- LennyUpGrade baby carrier
- LennyLight baby carrier
- LennyPreschool baby carrier
- Lenny Buckle Onbuhimo baby carrier
- LennyHybrid baby carrier
- Wrap-Tai baby carrier
Every family will be able to choose something suitable from the above range of products.
Within the group, wraps and carriers can differ in fabric composition. The most popular are 100% cotton wraps and carriers, but also loved are cotton and bamboo viscose blends, which give the fabric a bit of softness. Bamboo fibre has many other advantages (absorbs moisture and dries quickly, reflects UV rays, so it is more breathable and ideal for summer). Similarly wraps with wool – everyone knows wool’s properties: thermo regulative, hypoallergenic and even healing. At the same time it is worth remembering that wraps with blend are a little bit more expensive. Deciding to buy a wrap with a blend we pay for better quality fabric improved with additional properties. It does not really have great impact on the way baby is carried though.
Fabrics used to make LennyLamb's wraps and baby carriers are also characterized by different types of waves.
To be honest, all wraps/slings have similar functional and load-bearing properties, but differ in the production process and final fabric structure. The most basic is a very durable twin wave, which makes the fabric look elegant. Another is diamond scale which comes from specialized and detailed technological process. All this to create fabric with characteristic original texture. To make shawls and baby carriers for LennyLamb's most exclusive and limited lines, they use jacquard fabrics. They are more "solid" and a bit thicker than the others, which gives endless possibilities to create unique designs on their products.
Woven shawl
You can choose between plain, striped or more unique patterns in the following cross-twill, diamond or jacquard weaves.
The main advantage of wraps is the fact that there are no age or weight restrictions.
You can start carrying your child from day one and continue until your child gives you a clear message that this way of traveling is no longer good for him/her or when you decide it is no longer comfortable due to the child's weight.
It is very important to change the carrier as your child grows and choose the appropriate carrier.
There are almost unlimited ways you can do with a woven wrap. You can try: "belly-to-belly", cradle, hip or back.
It depends on the needs of the child and baby clothes at this very moment.
These shawls are perfect for long walks, as they distribute the weight very well, take the baby's weight off the back and they are highly recommended by physiotherapists.
You may be a little overwhelmed at first and it may take a long time to wrap your baby, but it will get easier as you practice. There is an instruction attached to each wrap. I also have very good youtube clips here on the website that show how to swaddle your baby.
Elastic/stretchy wrap
These are in 100% cotton, in solid color cotton of the best quality.
Elastic wraps can be used from the first day until your child is 10 kg. You have two options to choose from: cradle and belly-to-belly, both based on a basic carry.
If you are not financially limited, elastic wraps are a perfect option for a newborn and a couple of months old baby. It is a very convenient and quick wrapping. When you pack it, you can use it all day. But when the baby grows and reaches 10 kg, you must either start using a woven wrap or an ergonomic carrier.
Ring Sling
You can choose between plain, striped or more unique patterns in the following cross-twill, diamond or jacquard weaves.
You can use it with your newborn baby only in the cradle, but as soon as your baby can hold his head, it can also be worn in an upright position. However, there is a weight limit of 15 kg.
How to wear with ring shawls is: belly-to-belly and cradle, but it can also sometimes be wrapped on the back.
Ring shawl is a quick, easy-to-use and light alternative. Its big advantage is the fact that you don't need to pack it. All you have to do is pull the fabric correctly through the rings, adjust it, insert the baby and tighten it (according to the instructions). A disadvantage is that it is "one shoulder" carrying. Often it can become a strain, just one shoulder can cause back pain.
But luckily there is a solution to that - just switch to the other shoulder you use to carry your baby in a sling.
LennyGo ergonomic carrier
You can choose between plain, striped or more unique patterns in the following weaves: cross-twill, diamond or jacquard.
Suitable for babies from 6 months and older until they reach 18-20 kg (depending on carrier size). You can carry your baby belly-to-belly or on your back.
It is a soft structured carrier that thanks to specially designed buckles and straps.
It has an ensuring perfect fit for the little baby's body. The LennyLamb ergonomic baby carrier is made of shawl fabric and is therefore shaped perfectly around the child. It's a perfect solution for parents and carers who don't like to play with wraps, and you'll appreciate the fact that our harness can be worn and attached in a very thoughtful way. It is very quick and easy to fasten and release the harness.
LennyLamb's ergonomic harness is also equipped with a practical hood that helps keep the baby's head in a comfortable position during the nap.
LennyUpGrade/LennyPreschool baby carrier
The LennyUpGrade/LennyPreschool carrier is available in different designs, colors and fabric types. They are made from high-quality shawl fabric that wraps and molds around your child. LennyUpGrade is an adjustable harness that grows with the child and its shape fits perfectly to the body of the child and the parent. A few steps of adjustment options for panel and shoulder straps guarantee a perfect fit and correct, ergonomic position for the child. The harness is designed to meet the demands of parents who are looking for a safe, simple and functional solution to carry the child close to them. In the LennyUpGrade harness, you can safely carry your child from the second month of life (from 3.5 kg weight) to a weight of 20 kg and LennyPreschool harness is for preschool children, from size 86 to 122, can handle a weight up to 30 kg . You can carry your baby on the front in the second month of life and on the back when the baby is older than four months.
LennyHybrid standard carrier
The LennyHybrid Half Buckle Carrier is a unique carrier that combines the advantages of an adjustable harness and a wrap. Thanks to its design and adjustment system, it makes it possible to achieve a correct, ergonomic position of the child. In addition, it has two webbing straps that stabilize the baby's position on the sides, making it possible to carry a newborn baby safely. The panel adjustment allows the carrier to grow with your child.
Versatility: a carrier from an infant to a child, safely carrying the child from birth (baby weighing more than 3.2 kg) up to a weight of 20 kg
Functionality: two carrying positions - from the front from birth and from the back from the fourth month. Adjustment of the panel and wrapped shoulder straps ensure a perfect fit and correct, ergonomic position for the child at every stage of development.
LennyHybrid Preschool carrier
Just like above, but is instead for preschoolers. Size of the child, 86 to 122.
Lenny Buckle Onbuhimo
The Lenny Buckle Onbuhimo baby carrier is designed for children who can already sit unaided. It is most often used for gooseberries. The Lenny Buckle Onbuhimo baby carrier is available in two sizes Standard and Toddler. Standard size is a universal size of the harness - it fits an infant (who can already sit unaided) as well as an older child. Toddler size is designed for toddlers over two years, but it has a panel that can be adjusted in its width - this makes the Lenny Buckle Onbuhimo a truly universal carrier.
Weight range: 5 to 20kg
Weight range preschool: up to 30kg
Wrap-Tai baby carrier
You can choose between plain, striped or more unique patterns in the following weaves: cross-twill, diamond or jacquard.
The Lenny WrapTai is a combination of a MeiTai baby carrier and a wrap. It has a very comfortable panel that hugs your child but it also has a four-way webbing strip that distributes the weight evenly across the shoulders and upper body. You can use Lenny WrapTai for front and back. Each Lenny Wrap-Tai is a conversion wrap which means it is made from the same high quality fabrics they use to make their wraps.
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